More show, less talk... this is, a Photo Blog!
- A collection of selected photos from some places I've visited and my hikes.
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Monday, July 06, 2009
[Hike] - Fay Canyon - Sedona, AZ
Beautiful hike, with an opportunity for some rock scrambling and possible rock climbing on this monster of a rock....
To get to the trail head drive about 3mi to the west from the 89A/ 179 intersection (the "Y") in Sedona, then turn R onto Dry Creek Rd. Follow Dry Creek Road till you reach a dead end (T intersection). Then turn L onto Boynton Cyn Road, drive couple miles to come up to another T, turn L on to Boynton Rd and continue about 1/2 mi to reach the trail head parking on the left side. You have to cross the road to get to the trailhead.
